AArchitecture is the long-running, student-published journal of the Architectural Association, distributed to the school’s 5,000 members. In this issue Tyen playfully extrapolates on the relevance of ‘Stuff’ for architecture and implicitly questions the role of the contemporary architect:
"The architect can assume a more comprehensive and directed role as a composer of information. Thus, if we understand our role of architect as a compiler or composer, rather than that of an artistic authoritarian, then we see this dynamic universe of STUFF as an opportunity for developing a multitude off messy difference. This aligns with Robert Venturi’s statements in his 1966 Non-Straightforward Architecture: A Gentle Manifesto: 'By embracing contradiction as well as complexity, I am for vitality as well as validity.' And again later 'I am for messy vitality, over obvious unity.'
By harnessing the visual and cultural information that surrounds us, we are hopefully liberated from the self-imposed rules implied by unification and can begin to actively engage with the process of transculturation. With a tuned ability to orchestrate the wealth of visual data available to us, architect scan then become less 'Moses on the Mountaintop', delivering the laws of architecture, and be more like a DJ, delivering an exquisite track."